Editor-in-ChiefProf. Dr. Sri Maliawan, SpBS(Scopus ID), (Google scholar)[email protected] / [email protected]Department of Neuro Surgery, Udayana UniversitySanglah General HospitalBali - Indonesia Associate EditorProf. Putra Manuaba, M.Phil(Scopus ID), (Google Scholar)[email protected] / [email protected]Biomedicine Postgraduate Program, Udayana University Bali - Indonesia Prof. Ketut Suwiyoga, SpOG(Scopus ID)[email protected]Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Sanglah Hospital Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia Editorial Board for Regional AmericaAnkit Sakhuja, M.B.B.S., F.A.C.P., F.A.S.N.(Scopus ID)[email protected]Nephrology and Hypertension Cleveland Clinic (United States) Editorial Board for Regional AustraliaProf. John Svigos, MB. BS. DRCOG., FRCOG., RANZCOG(Scopus ID)[email protected]Ashford Hospital & Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australia dr Deasy Ayuningtyas Tandio MPH-MBA.(OrcidID)[email protected] James Cook University Australia Master of Public Health Master Of Business Administration, Indonesia Editorial Board for Regional EuropaProf. Harald Hoekstra(Scopus ID)[email protected]Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen, Division of Surgical Oncology, Groningen the Netherland Editorial Board for Regional AsiaProf Huang Qin(Scopus ID)[email protected]Chairman Dept. of Neurosurgery, Guangdong 999 Hospital Guangzhou China Assoc. Prof. Mohammad Amin Bahrami(Scopus ID)[email protected]Head of healthcare management department, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd,Iran Dr. Tanveer Beg, PhD(Scopus ID)[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Editorial Board MembersProf. Andi Asadul Islam(Scopus ID), (Google Scholar)[email protected]Faculty of Medicine Hasanudin University, Makasar-Indonesia Prof. Dr. dr. Abdul Hafid Bajamal, Sp.BS(Scopus ID)[email protected]Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University, Surabaya-Indonesia Dr. dr. I Wayan Sudarsa, Sp.B(K) Onk, FINACS, FICS.(Scopus ID), (Google Scholar), (Researchgate) dr. I.B. Amertha P. Manuaba, SKed, MBiomed.(Scopus ID), (Google Scholar), (Orcid), (Researcher ID) (Researchgate)[email protected] / [email protected]Biomedicine Magister Program, Udayana University, Indonesia Editorial inquiries to be addressed to:
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